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Akses Katalog Publik Daring - Gunakan fasilitas pencarian untuk mempercepat penemuan data katalog


Penerapan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Sebagai Model Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Penentuan Status Pengangkatan Karyawan (Studi Kasus: PT. Bank Negara Indonesia KC Jababeka

Management of human resources (HR) of a company is very influential in many aspects determining the success of the work of the company. One of the most important in the management of human Resources (HR) in a company is the periodic selection of permanent employees so as to stimulate employee morale in increasing their dedication and performance. But in reality, PT. BNI KC Jababeka is still not optimal in the selection of permanent employees this is due to the unavailability of media that can process employee assessments and provide recommendations in the selection of permanent employees. This study aims to apply the simple additive weighting (saw) method to determine the status of permanent employee appointments at PT. BNI KC Jababeka and to produce a decision support system for permanent employee selection based on the needs of PT. BNI KC Jababeka. In determining permanent employees at PT. BNI KC Jababeka uses predetermined criteria, namely Attendance, Level of echannel usage, Transaction accuracy, Speed of Service, Professionalism and Integrity. This system was developed with PHP and MySQL programming languages. This information system can be used to process employee data starting from the employee evaluation process, employee ranking process, to the process of selecting permanent employees. The output in this system is the calculation value of permanent employee selection using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and permanent
employee recommendations for PT. BNI KC Jababeka


Perpustakaan USNI Kampus B B03 TI 2019

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